Faith and Healing Affirmations

Faith and Healing Affirmations

Saturday, October 9, 2010

From My Youth

It was 1974, the summer of between junior high and high school.  The opportunity to spend a month at youth camp was a welcomed blessing and a once in a life time experience.  Nestled in what seemed like wilderness, Pelican Lake, Minnesota was only twenty-five miles from International Falls, on the Canadian border. 

It was an awesome, 30 day experience for a fourteen year old boy.  The days were filled with fun and fellowship as well as worship, prayer and Bible Study.  Water skiing, horseback riding, archery and canoeing were disbursed among educational classes and campus improvement work.  We were given quite a bit of freedom within certain parameters; in the early mornings and evenings.  Predawn each day was my special prayer time, before the rest of our dorm arose.  The discovery of a very large boulder at the lake shore about a hundred yards from the dorm and through the woods; made a perfect place for prayer and meditation.  As the forest would awake that place took on an anointing of God’s presence.  Beavers and other woodland animals would come down to drink at the water’s edge.  As the morning sky would appear in variations of color, unique to each day, God would move in my heart in joyous and tearful worship.  A similar experience was took place every evening, while canoeing by myself near dusk. Those special God times, still live in the memories as they are recalled in this writing with fresh tears and anointing.

God has always worked with the youth; the prophets Samuel and Jeremiah, along with King David and even Jesus.  They were just youths, around twelve years old when they were called by God.  There is a special blessing that God gives to children who love him.  Jesus rebuked His disciples for turning the little children away; and we see that of such is the Kingdom of God. 

“But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mar 10:14).

The blessings of being nurtured in the Word, from early childhood; sow seeds for a lifetime of bearing fruit.  There is no greater part of child rearing than instilling the Word of God in the hearts and minds of our children.  Even if they depart, they will return.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

King David was just a youth when Samuel the prophet anointed him king over all of Israel.  In his old age, he remembered his youth and how he was brought up in the Lord.

“O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works” (Psalms 71:17).

God speaks to the hearts of children and youth; many respond.  It is a great joy to see little children express their love for the Lord.  Those children who are born in the apostolic faith add strength to the church that is beyond measure.  There are many second and third generation pastors, leaders; and musicians dedicated to praise and worship.  These second and third generation leaders add stability to the entire church body worldwide.  Recently in Madison, the pulpit was shared by the Pastor, his son and his grandson in a much anointed message, this past Father’s Day.  Invest in your children; they hold the future, now and in the Kingdom of God.

Prayer:  My Father in heaven, being a parent is one of your greatest titles and roles; that you share with humanity.  I am made in your image.  As you are the Father, the Son and the Comforter; you have given me life to share as a Parent, a Child and as a Comforting Friend.  One day your glory shall be revealed in me.  Now I am your child.  Soon I will come into the fullness of my calling at your return, Lord Jesus.  Bless all of the children.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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