Faith and Healing Affirmations

Faith and Healing Affirmations

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If My People

Significant events, small and great come in and out of our field of view.  They may seem disconnected; but they are all a prelude to the most significant event since Calvary; the close of this age that will bring the return of Jesus Christ and usher in the Kingdom of God and the 1,000 years of worldwide peace and prosperity   There have been signs of the times that we live in; signs that were prophesied by Jesus Christ.  Awareness of these events seemed to ignite with the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 when over 230,000 people were killed when an oceanic earthquake caused a tsunami that triggered one of the worst disasters ever.  It was just less than 20 years earlier that an earthquake rocked Mexico City, killing around 9,500 people.  That seemed to be the most horrific and unimaginable disaster.  When the tsunami hit Indonesia, the numbers killed were and still remain incomprehensible.  Since 2004, there seems to have been a dramatic increase in natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and flash floods.  Draughts and famines plague many places around the world.  The killer bees have not disappeared.  Mosquitoes are carrying new diseases and global warming threatens our very existence.  If we talk about wars and violence; the world has never been such a dangerous place.

Jesus Christ warned us to watch and to be ready for His return that would come on the heels of monumental catastrophic world conditions; those conditions are here now as never before:

When Jesus’ disciples came and asked Him what would be the signs of the end of the world; as recorded in Matthew 24:3, the word world was translated from the Greek word aion which means AGE; not the physical end of the planet or human life.

Matthew 24:3 KJV And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

False Christs
Jesus said that straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life; that He alone is the ONE TRUE WAY!  Turn on your television set and there are entire cable networks that broadcast preachers claiming to have the one true way, but they don’t follow the WORD of God, they don’t follow Jesus Christ!

Wars &Violence
Pick up any newspaper and it is filled with articles on wars, violence and corruption around the world.  Governmental leaders have lost the trust of the people.  Crime is on the rise along with civil unrest.  We live in a world of conflict.

A result of war and political mismanagement, famine and starvation is still a major problem.  Turn on your television set and you will see children who live in filth and squalor with unclean water to drink and a lack of nutritional life sustaining foods.

Pestilence follows natural disasters and war.  Just under a million Rwandans were killed in mass genocide in less than 100 days.  Had Hitler killed at that rate, he would have exterminated more than 30 million.  The pestilence that follows such mass numbers of deaths can be uncontrollable.

Earthquakes and other natural disasters have always occurred; but their frequency and magnitude seem to have intensified.  Man has tested many nuclear devices with underground explosions.  Have these tests rocked the bedrock of our planet and compromised its inner structure?  There are many known fault lines that have given scientists clues as to the potential locations and magnitude of destruction of future quakes, but there is nothing that can be done to prevent them.

Jesus identified these signs as indicators of the end time.  They coincide with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the book of Revelation Chapter 6.




These four horses represent the first four seals of a scroll that are opened to reveal the events that will precede and be a part of the Great Tribulation.

It is important to study what the Bible says about the End Time, because we are most likely living in that time.  Jesus Christ spoke a great deal about the End Time, the marriage supper that will take place and His second coming.  We need to know about these things.  It should give a greater urgency to our witnessing as well as motivation for us to live close to Jesus and the WORD of God.

On February 12th, 2010, after a devastating earthquake in his country of Haiti; President Préval cancelled the Mardi Gras celebrations and called for three days of national prayer and fasting; urging his people to turn away from their Voodoo traditions and to turn to God in repentance; asking that God would heal their land.  More than a million people surrounded the presidential palace in prayer, fasting and repentance.  Over a hundred Voodoo Priests converted to Christianity.  This is recorded on a YouTube Video at:

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

All of the people of the earth are God’s Children and thus are God’s People.  America should be leading revival.  America should be humbling herself, praying and seeking God’s face.  America needs to turn away from her wicked ways of domestic violence, crime, murder, rape, pornography, promiscuity, homosexuality, greed, materialism and self centeredness.  America needs to repent as Haiti did.  A million people need to surround the White house and every State Capital and County Seat in days of prayer, fasting and repentance.  America is blanketed with dead churches that have a form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof.  WE NEED RIVIVAL!  IT BEGINS WITH YOU AND IT BEGINS WITH ME!

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