Faith and Healing Affirmations

Faith and Healing Affirmations

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Like Minded Fellowship

It was 1973 and my parents sent me to a church summer camp for the month of July.  It was an awesome experience.  Nestled among thousands of acres of woods, was a Christian camp.  Being a city boy from the Chicago area, this was a unique experience to commune on a daily basis with both the campers and staff who were all of like mind; who were all taking their relationship with Jesus as priority number one. 

The dormitories were eight individual cabins that housed twenty four campers and a ninth cabin that that housed twenty four workers of college age.  Each cabin was built around a common room with the counselor’s room in the middle and two wings on either side.  There were six prayer closets in each cabin.  Prayer and Bible Study were to be the center of each camper’s daily life.  There was a balance of fun, education in ecology and first aid, campus improvement work and Bible Study. 

Swimming and canoeing were a daily part of evening free time.  Horseback riding, archery, swimming lessons, water skiing, fishing and coed social activities filled the month with many memories and life experiences that enhanced my spiritual foundation. 

To be immersed in a totally Christian community, without any outside influences of television, radio, newspapers and magazines; for an entire month, was one of the greatest and most profitable experiences of my life.

2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

As a teenager, there were a number of very elderly and successful men who influenced my life.  Two of these men worked until the day they died in their nineties.  A third man, Irv Mandley, who entered my life five years ago is currently 97.  These three 90+ year old men have taught me a lot about success.  They set an example for others to follow and have served the LORD as leaders of great distinction.  Irv Mandley is a veteran of World War II and a decorated war hero.  He received five metals for his bravery; one of which was for storming the beaches of five of the ten amphibious landings in the pacific theater of operations.  Throughout his life he has been a visionary for the community and for the church.  It is a blessing to know him. 

One of the most important lessons that all three of these men impressed upon me was the impact of the company that we keep.  Our friends and acquaintances will either bring us closer to or further from our goals in life; closer to or further away from our relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Another lesson was to spend time with older folks and glean from their wealth of experience and wisdom.

If we want to be like Jesus Christ then we must spend time with others who share that goal.  Friendship binds us together with other people.  Our friends can have a powerfully profound impact upon our lives.  Choose your friends with wisdom.  Do not be bound to people who have a negative influence over you.  Fellowship with like-minded people.

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