Faith and Healing Affirmations

Faith and Healing Affirmations

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Peace & Joy of The LORD

Face Book has been an awesome tool of reconnection.  After thirty five years, one of my former classmate’s first question to me was; “Are you still always so happy?”  To that person, my life was defined by happiness and joy.  When The Joy of the LORD lives within us; there comes an indescribable peace and happiness that radiates from us and is visible to all around us.  Was my life free of all stress back then?  High School years are tough for everyone.  My life was no exception. 

It was taught to me at a very young age; that we can live in the problem or we can live in Christ.  The Peace and Joy of the LORD are not dependant upon health, money and material things.  We can have Joy in the midst of trouble and trials.  Jesus has always been my guide and help in all things.  His will, has always been my desire to fulfill.  Knowing that my life is in His hands frees me from anxious thought and worry.  As the years have gone by that peace and joy has only become stronger.  Living in a state of prayer and supplication has become more natural.

Philippians 4:6-7  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  (7)  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

To find this peace that passes all understanding, we must surrender ALL to Christ.  Today’s Christian world, believes in Christianity without surrender, sacrifice or commitment; but if we are going to follow Christ and become like Him; we have to surrender, sacrifice and commit.  If Jesus didn’t surrender to the Father, He would not have made the supreme sacrifice and we would be lost in our sin.  Jesus made a commitment and saw it through the end.

This human life is a proving ground.  Where we will spend eternity will be determined on what we have done with our human life.  Surrender to Christ today and set your path on overcoming and be transformed into Jesus and start living in the Joy and Peace of the LORD.

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